
Tuesday 3 September 2019

Trash- Andy Mulligan

Hello Today we finish the book that we started in term 2. As I was saying we finished it today and now I will tell you some stuff about the story and I will put up a video.

We read it in period 3 Yesterday.

So the story is called Trash by Andy Molligan. And the people in the story are called
Rat-Junjun,Behala,,Pai Dante,Jose'Ange,

So the story is about these 3 boys and they work at a dump and they clean up trash and they found a bag and inside of it was A Woolite full of money and a key. then they walk to there house and they hided because the police where looking for them because they found the bag. And the bag was for this rich guy and he said he was going to give the money to her daughter and then they where looking for her. Then they found her grave stone and they dug up her grave and when they dug it up they opened the coffin and then they found a lot of money and they where like where is she then she came out of no where and she was a little she didn't die she was right in front of them. Over the fence they sore a tree hut and they where like where do you live little girl and she showed them the tree hut and they said where is it and she said its up there and they where like are you sure and she said yes.

Ok so that was a little bit about the story and now I am going to tell you have I liked it and how I didn't like it.

So I really liked it because it was really cool because they found money and they where finding clues around places. And the thing that I did not like about is that they had to pick up rubbish as there job even little kids do it like 2 years old and over that why I didn't like it because that is really sad.

Now I will give you one video to watch and I hope you enjoy it.

And here is a photo of the book I think you would enjoy it.
Image result for trash by andy mulligan
 And here is a Trailer of the trash movie

I hope you enjoyed me telling you about the book called trash and I hope you come back to my blog and if you want to hear more just comment and I will make another blog post about it. Thank you.😁

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