
Monday 23 September 2019

Going into the Music room

Last week my music class went down to the music room and we got to play some instruments. There were two types of drums there where a Electric and the normal ones, there were two types of a guitar the electric and acoustic. There was the Flut, the saxophone, Piano and the key bored. Anyways thank you for coming on my blog again and reading this I hope you enjoyed it and I will put some photos on.


Music song for my dad

Today I wrote a song for my dad and I hope he likes it and I hope you like it. This is my song

A song for my dad

So here we go again our family is not going to work I wish it could but it wont work
 out please mum help me dad keeps on taking me away from you please mum do something It 

Mum please help it hurting I want to see you but dad want let me he want even let me talk to you
When ever you text me dad tells me not to reply
I try not to cry but I always cry because I miss you

Mum please tell dad to stop hes hurting me I wish you could come and pick me up.
When dad trys to talk to me “why don’t you want to stay here” I always say its because I miss mum because she has gone through so much.

She’s lost poppy my sister dosen’t want to come back and you don’t care.
I thought you love sister she thinks your a dad to her.

You have been in her life since day 1.

Why are you doing this dad
Guess what dad sisters coming home today can I go to mums?.
No your staying with me Lib you know that.
Dad stop lying to me please just tell me the truth you don’t need to lie.
You always tell me not to lie so please don’t lie to me.
I had a great day at school today I made new friends like how you always tell me.
Dad you always make me laugh when ever you drop me off at school because you always tell me to do my B E S T and it reminds me when we got along really well.
When can I see mum dad “you will see her soon”  dad can we go now please “fine ok”.
Yay hi dad I miss you Thank you for letting me see mum I hope I can see you next weekend.
Just so you i’ll miss you.
So I got to move on and be who I am I just don’t belong here I hope you under stand I might find a place in the world some day but at least for now I gotta go my own way.
Sorry dad.

So is it good? but I made this song because All the hard stuff just came out. We could make a song about anything and I just picked to do one for my dad. 
Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Ella West

On Monday Ella West came to school. So how did she come well it stared because one of our reading groups are reading Rain fall and they posted stuff about it on there blog then one of the people in the group her name is called Skyler and she posed it first then the day after Ella West Commented I don't know what she said but that's ok. If you read rain fall do you remember the dog called Jim did you know he is a real dog it was Ella's dog he did 15 years ago but now she has a new dog called Ruby. So we asked in she needed space when she needs to write and she doesn't need quit-Nothing distracts her. Did you know that she 1000 words a day! and she writes 5000 words in a book!. Did you know night vision won awards. She coped the cover of night vision. 

So now I am going to put some photos of us and her.

I hope you enjoyed it I hope you could do something like us so then Ella West can come to your school.

Friday 6 September 2019

Week 7 P.E

So today in P.E we played Ki-O-Rahi and all of my stuff is on the sideshow I hope you enjoy it.

I hope you come back soon.

Thursday 5 September 2019


In Maori, we were learning about a story called Poutini and Waitaiki. And I chose one of the characters and wrote from their point of view.

I miss my husband I got taken by this creature and it has taken me someplace that I don't know. I don't have any way to get in touch with any of my family or husband. I was bathing in the pond or you might call it the river. I told my husband that I would be back by 12:00 but it is now 4:00 pm and I'm not home yet, he is probably worried sick. I hope this is all fake because I don’t want to be here much longer I hope this is all a setup. If you are wondering what my name is, it is Waitaiki and my husband's name is Tamaahua and he is really sweet, oh geez i have to stop writing because the creature is coming. Okay, it has left now i can write again. I’m still scared and I want to leave. 

Music through the decades

This is my work from music from today. It is a slide show of music through the decades.

As I said all of my stuff is on the slide show and I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Trash- Andy Mulligan

Hello Today we finish the book that we started in term 2. As I was saying we finished it today and now I will tell you some stuff about the story and I will put up a video.

We read it in period 3 Yesterday.

So the story is called Trash by Andy Molligan. And the people in the story are called
Rat-Junjun,Behala,,Pai Dante,Jose'Ange,

So the story is about these 3 boys and they work at a dump and they clean up trash and they found a bag and inside of it was A Woolite full of money and a key. then they walk to there house and they hided because the police where looking for them because they found the bag. And the bag was for this rich guy and he said he was going to give the money to her daughter and then they where looking for her. Then they found her grave stone and they dug up her grave and when they dug it up they opened the coffin and then they found a lot of money and they where like where is she then she came out of no where and she was a little she didn't die she was right in front of them. Over the fence they sore a tree hut and they where like where do you live little girl and she showed them the tree hut and they said where is it and she said its up there and they where like are you sure and she said yes.

Ok so that was a little bit about the story and now I am going to tell you have I liked it and how I didn't like it.

So I really liked it because it was really cool because they found money and they where finding clues around places. And the thing that I did not like about is that they had to pick up rubbish as there job even little kids do it like 2 years old and over that why I didn't like it because that is really sad.

Now I will give you one video to watch and I hope you enjoy it.

And here is a photo of the book I think you would enjoy it.
Image result for trash by andy mulligan
 And here is a Trailer of the trash movie

I hope you enjoyed me telling you about the book called trash and I hope you come back to my blog and if you want to hear more just comment and I will make another blog post about it. Thank you.😁